Sunday, 5 April 2009

Bibliography on Drawing and Works on Paper

1. Abadie, Daniel, Helion Dessins 1930-1978, Musee National D’Art Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, 1979.

2. Ackerman, James S. Origins, Imitations, Conventions Representation in the Arts, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, London, England, 2002.

3. Alexandre, Noel The Unknown Modigliani: Drawings from the Collection of Paul Alexandre, Royal Academy of Arts and Fonds Mercator, 1994.

4. Ames-Lewis, Francis Drawing in Early Renaissance Italy Revised Edition, Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 2000.

5. Bacou, Roseline Millet: One Hundred Drawings, Harper & Row Publishers, New York, Evanston, San Francisco, London, 1975.

6. Baechler, Donald Donald Baechler, Works on Paper, Locks Gallery, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1998.

7. Barber, Stephen The Screaming Body Antonin Artaud: Film Projects, Drawings and Sound Recordings, Creation Books, 2004,

8. Baur, John L.H., John Marin, Watercolours 1929-1939, Kennedy Galleries, Inc. New York, 1987.

9. Beguin, Sylvie, Mario Di Gianpaolo, Mary Vaccaro, Parmigianino, The Drawings, Umberto Allemandi & Co., Turin, London, 2000.

10. Berlo, Janet Catherine (ed.) Plains Indians Drawings 1865-1935 Pages from a Visual History, Harry N. Abrams, Inc. Publishers, The Drawing Center, NY, 1996.

11. Bermingham, Ann Learning to Draw: Studies in the cultural history of a polite and useful art, Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 2000.

12. Bidlo, Mike Mike Bidlo: The Fountain Drawings, Editions Bischofberger, Tony Shafrazi Editions, 1998.

13. Bindman, David, The Divine Comedy, William Blake, Bibliotéque de L’Image, Paris, 2000.

14. Bjurström, Per, Drawings from the Age of the Carracci, Seventeenth Century Bolognese Drawings from The Nationalmuseum, Stockholm, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, 2002.

15. Bjurstrom, Per, The Art of Drawing in France, 1400-1900: Drawing from the Nationalmuseum, Stockholm, The Drawing Center, New York and Sotheby’s Publications, 1987.

16. Blunt, Wilfrid and William T. Stearn, The Art of Botanical Illustration, The Antique Collectors’ Club (rep), 2000.

17. Bois, Yves-Alain Ellsworth Kelly: The Early Drawings 1948-1955, Harvard University Art Museums, Kunstmuseum, Winterthur, 1999.

18. Bonford, David (ed.) Art in the Making: Underdrawing in Renaissance Paintings, National Gallery, London, 2002.

19. Bourgeois Louise and Lawrence Rinder Louise Bourgeois, Drawings and Observations, Bullfinch Press, Little Brown and Co., Boston, New York, London, 1995.

20. Brice Marden Drawings: The Whitney Museum of American Art Collection, The Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, 1999.

21. Butler, Cornelia H. Afterimage: Drawing Through Process, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts & London, England, 1999.

22. Butler, Cornelia and Paul Schimmel, Willem de Kooning: Tracing the Figure, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, Princeton University Press, Princeton and Oxford, 2002.

23. Calovski, Yane (ed.) D(is for Drawing) Pilot Issue, Yane Calovski and Revolver Jan van Eyck Academie, Maastricht, 2004.

24. Calza, Gian Carlo Ukiyo-E, Phaidon Press Limited, London, New York, 2007.

25. Castro, Laura, Dimensión del Dibujo, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago, Chile, 1999.

26. Cernuschi, Claude Jackson Pollock: Psychoanalytic Drawings, Duke University Press, 1992.

27. Chipman Brandauer, Aline with Harmony Hammond and Ann Wilson, Agnes Martin, Works on Paper, Museum of Fine Arts, Museum of New Mexico, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1998.

28. Christov-Bakargien, Carolyn William Kentridge, Societé des Expositions du Palais des Beaux Arts de Bruxelles, 1998.

29. Clark, Timothy Kuniyoshi; From the Arthur R.Miller Collection, Royal Academy of Arts, London, 2009.

30. Clayton, Martin Poussin: Works on Paper, Drawings from the Collection of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Thames and Hudson, 1995.

31. Clarke, Michael and Serena Rattazzi, with collaborations from Colin Bailey, Timothy Clifford. Stephen Lloyd, Julia Lloyd Williams, Karina Thompson and Aidan Weston-Lewis The Draftsman’s Art: Master Drawings from the National Gallery of Scotland, National Galleries of Scotland, 1999

32. Clifford, Timothy, Bruce Brown, Patrick Elliot and Michael Tucker, Alan Davie Drawings, Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, University of Brighton, The Paragon Press, London, England, 1997.

33. Coe, Sue and Alexander Cockburn Dead Meat, Four Walls and Eight Windows, New York, 1995.

34. Collishan Van Wagner, Judy, Thomas W. Leavitt, Judith Wilson, Lines of Vision: Drawings by Contemporary Women, Hudson Hills Press, New York, 1989.

35. Cooper, Harry, An Intense Detachment: Ellsworth Kelly’s Line, Form, Color, Harvard University Museums, 1999.

36. Craig-Martin, Michael Drawing the Line: Reappraising Drawing Past and Present, The South Bank Centre, 1995.

37. Cucci: Drawings 1975-1989, La Disegna, Rizzoli, New York, 1989.

38. Cummins, Paul, 20th Century Drawings from the Whitney Museum of American Art, Whitney Museum of American Art, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, 1987.

39. Cuno, James, Minimalism and Post Minimalism, Drawing Distinctions, Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College, 1990.

40. Da Costa Kaufmann, Thomas Central European Drawings 1680-1800, a selection from American collections, The Art Museum, Princeton University, 1989.

41. Dabrowsky, Magdalena, The Drawings of Phillip Guston, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1988.

42. Dahlem, Fritz Georg Bazelitz: Pastels, Watercolors, Drawings, Matthew Marks Gallery, New York, 1995.

43. Damish, Hubert The Origin of Perspective, The MIT Press, Massachusetts, 1995.

44. De Bodt, Saskia and Manfred Sellink with Robert-Jan te Rijdt and Evert van Uitert, Nineteenth Century Dutch Watercolours and Drawings from the Museum Boijmans van Beuningen, Rotterdam, Art Services International, Alexandria, Virginia, 1998.

45. De C.M. Saunders J.B. and Charles D. O’Malley The Illustrations from the Works of Andreas Vesalius of Brussels, Dover Publications, Inc. New York, 1950.

46. De Zegher, Catherine The Activist Drawing, Retracing Situationist Architectures from Constant’s New Babylon to Beyond, The Drawing Center, New York and the MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts and London, England, 2001.

47. De Zegher, Catherine and Hendel Teicher, 3 X Abstraction New Methods of Drawing Hilma Af Klint, Emma Kunz, Agnes Martin, The Drawing Center, Yale University Press, New York and New Haven, 2005

48. Derrida, Jacques Memoirs of the Blind: The Self-Portrait and Other Ruins (trans. Pascale-Anne Brault and Michael Naas, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London, 1993.

49. Dickenson, Victoria, Drawn From Life – Science and Art in the Portrayal of the New World, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, Buffalo, London, 1998.

50. Dine, Jim, Ruth Fine and Stephen Fleishman Jim Dine: Drawings from the Glyptothek, Hudson Mill Press, New York and Madison Art Center, Wisconsin, 1993.

51. Downey, Juan, Juan Downey: Of Dream Into Study, Editorial Lord Cochrane, Santiago, Chile, 1989.

52. Dvorak, Frantisek, Drawings: Holbein, 3M Books, Saint Paul, Minnesota, 1985.

53. Elderfield, John, The Modern Drawing: 100 Works on Paper from the Museum of Modern Art, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1985.

54. Elderfield, John and Robert Gordon The Language of the Body: Drawings by Pierre-Paul Prud’Hon, Harry N. Abrams, Inc. New York, 1996.

55. Evanier, Mark Kirby, King of Comics, Abrams, NY, 2008

56. Fairbanks Harris, Theresa and Scott Wilcox Papermaking and the Art of Watercolour, Paul Sandby and the Whatman Paper Mill, Yale Center for British Art, with Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 2006

57. Feher, György Feher, Cyclopediae Anatomicae, Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers, Inc., 1996.

58. Feireiss, Kristin (ed) Hand Drawn Worlds / Hand-Gezeitnete Welten, (Trans) SWB Communications, Dr. Sabine Werneer-Birkenbach, Jovis Verlag GmbH, Berlin, 2003.

59. Fleischman Lawrence A. and John I.H. Baur, Burchfield’s Seasons, Kennedy Galleries, Inc. New York, 1982.

60. Fleischman Lawrence A. and John I.H. Baur, Charles Burchfield: The Late Years and Selected Works Kennedy Galleries, Inc. New York, 1982.

61. Forrer, Matthi Hokusai, Prints and Drawings, Prestel-Verlag, Munich, 1991.

62. Fox Weber, Nicholas, The Drawings of Josef Albers, Yale University Press, New Haven-London, 1984.

63. Francis, Mark and Dieter Koepplin Andy Warhol: Drawings 1942-1987, The Andy Warhol Museum, Little Brown and Co. Boston, New York, London, 1998.

64. Ganz, James A. and Richard Kendall, The Unknown Monet Pastels and Drawings, Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, Williamstown Massachussetts, 2007

65. Garrels, Gary Drawing from the Modern 2 , 1945-1975, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 2005

66. Gealt, Adelheid M. and George Knox Domenico Tiepolo, Master Draftsman, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, Indianapolis, 1996.

67. Gere, J.A. Pre-Raphaelite Drawings in the British Museum, British Museum Press, London,1994

68. Gilbert-Rolfe, Jeremy, Jasper Johns, Brice Marden Terry Winters: Drawings, Margo Lewin Gallery, N.Y. 1992.

69. Gill, Robert W. Basic Rendering: Effective Drawing for Designers, Artists and Illustrators, Thames & Hudson, London, 1991.

70. Goldner George R. and Carmen Bambach The Drawings of Filipino Lippi and His Circle, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY, 1997.

71. Goldner, George R. European Drawings 1, Catalogue of the Collections, The J. Paul Getty Museum, 1988.

72. Goldner, George R. European Drawings 2, Catalogue of the Collections, The J. Paul Getty Museum, 1992.

73. Gráfica de los Anos 70, República Federal de Alemania, Institut Fur Auslandsdeziehungen, Stuttgart, 1985.

74. Gravett, Paul Manga Sixty Years of Japanese Comics, Laurence King Publishing Limited, London, 2004.

75. Hale, Robert Beverly and Terence Coyle Albinus on Anatomy, Dover Publications, Inc. New York, 1979.

76. Hand, John Oliver, J. Richard Judson, William W. Robinson and Martha Wolff The Age of Bruegel: Netherlandish Drawings in the Sixteenth Century, Cambridge University Press, 1986.

77. Hauptman, Jodi Drawing from the Modern 1, 1880-1945, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 2005

78. Helfenstein, Josef, Hans Rudolf Reust, Lawrence Rinder Premonition- Luc Tuymans Zeichningen / Drawings, Kunstmuseum, Bern, 1997.

79. Hodgkin, Howard and Terence McInerney Indian Drawing, Arts Council of Great Britain, London, 1983.

80. Honisch, Dieter, et al. Malerei auf Papier / Paintings on Paper, Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations, 1989.

81. Hoptman, Laura, Drawing Now: Eight Propositions, MOMA, New York, 2002.

82. Ives, Colta, Susan Alyson Stein, Sjraar van Heugten and Marije Vellekoop, Vincent Van Gogh, The Drawings, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam; Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 2005.

83. Iwariki, Yuriko, Hokusai, Tokyo National Museum, Nihon Keizai Shinbun, Inc., 2005

84. Jaffee, Michael, A Great Heritage: Renaissance and Baroque Drawings from Chatworth, National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. 1995.

85. Johnson, Una E, 20th Century Drawings Part I and Part II Bonanza Books, New York, 1974.

86. Kallir, Jane and Ivan Vartanian (ed.) Egon Schiele, Drawings and Watercolours, Thames & Hudson, London and New York, 2003.

87. Kelly, Ellsworth, Line Form Color, Harvard University Art Museums, 1999.

88. Kertess, Klaus, Willem de Kooning: Drawing Seeing / Seeing Drawing, The Drawing Center, Arena Editions, New York, 1998.

89. Keynes, Sir, Geoffrey Drawings of William Blake, 92 Pencil Studies, Dover Publications, Inc. New York, 1970.

90. King, Elaine E. Elizabeth Murray Drawings 1980-1986, Carnegie Mellon University Press, Pittsburgh, 1986.

91. Kingston, Angela (ed.) What is Drawing? Three practices explored, Lucy Gunning, Claude Heath and Rae Smith, Black Dog Publishing Limited, London and New York, 2003.

92. Kitamura, Takahiro Tattoos of the Floating World Ukiyo-e motifs in the Japanese Tattoo, Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen, KIT Publishers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2008.

93. Koyama-Richard, Brigitte One Thousand Years of Manga, Flammarion, Paris, 2007

94. Kort, Pamela, Immendorf-Zeichningen 1964-1993, Verlag Gachnang & Springer, Bern-Berlin 1994.

95. Kunde, Harald Neo Rausch Arbeiten Auf Papier Works on Paper 2003-2004, Albertina Hatje Cantz, Vienna, 2004.

96. La Obra Gráfica del Expresionismo Alemán, Institut Fur Auslandsdeziehungen, Stuttgart, 1981.

97. Labrusse, Rémi and Éric de Chassey, Henri Matisse Ellsworth Kelly, Plant Drawings, Gingko Press, Gallimard, Centre Pompidou, Paris, 2002.

98. Lack, H. Walter, Garden Eden, Masterpieces of Botanical Illustration, Taschen, Osterreiche National Bibliotek, 2001.

99. Lambert, Susan, Reading Drawings: an introduction to looking at drawings, Pantheon Books, New York, 1984.

100. Laughton, Bruce The Drawings of Daumier and Millet, Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 1991.

101. Lee, Janie C. Claes Oldemburg: Drawings in the Whitney Museum of American Art, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, 2002.

102. Lee, Janie C. and Melvin P. Lader Arshile Gorky, A Retrospective of Drawings, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, Harry N. Abrams, New York, 2003.

103. Lee, Pamela, Christine Mehring, Dieter Schwarz, Christian Schneegass and Julie Vicinus Drawing is Another Language: Recent American Drawing from a New York Private Collection, Harvard University Art Museums, 1997.

104. Le Normand-Romain, Antoinette, Christina Buley-Uribe, Auguste Rodin Drawings and Watercolours, Thames and Hudson, London and New York, 2006

105. Livingstone, Marco Hockney: Etchings and Lithographs 1961-1986, Waddington Graphics, London 1998.

106. Logan, Anne Marie Flemish Drawings in the Age of Rubens: Selected Works from American Collections, Davis Museum and Cultural Center, Wellesley College, Wellesley, Massachusetts, 1993.

107. Los Años Geométricos de Mario Carreño –1950-1962, 44 Dibujos, Cooperación Española, Santiago, Chile, 1998.

108. Luckhardt Ulrich, Paul Melia David Hockney, a Drawing Retrospective, Thames & Hudson Limited, London, 1995.

109. Major, A. Hyatt, Prints and People: a social history of printed pictures, Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1980.

110. Master Drawings in the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 1997.

111. McCloud, Scott, Understanding Comics, Kitchen Sink Press for Harper Perennial a Division of HarperCollins Publishers, Inc. New York, 1994

112. M.C Escher: Estampas y Dibujos, Benedikt Taschen, 1994.

113. Mendelowitz, Daniel M. Drawing, Stanford University Press, 1967.

114. Meschede, Friederich (ed.) Rachel Whiteread: Gouachen / Gouaches, Cantz Verlag, Stuttgart, 1993.

115. Metzger, Rainer, Gustav Klimt Drawings and Watercolours, Thames and Hudson, London and New York, 2005

116. Miller-Keller, Andrea, Of Sun and Stars: Sol Lewitt Wall Drawings, Wadsworth Atheneum, 1996.

117. Mintz Messinger, Lisa Abstract Expressionism: Works on Paper, Selections from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY, 1992.

118. Molina, Enrique and Jorge Glusberg Luis Fernando Benedit: Memorias Australes, Ediciones Phillipe Daverio Milan-New York, 1990.

119. Moszynska, Anna Anthony Gormley Drawings, The British Museum Press, London, 2002.

120. Müller, Christian, Hans Mielke From Shongauer to Holbein: Master Drawings from Basel and Berlin, National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C., Hatje Cantz Publishers, Washington D.C., 1999.

121. New, Jennifer Drawing from Life, The Journal as Art, Princeton Architectural Press, New York, 2005.

122. Newman, Avis and Catherine de Zegher, The Stage of Drawing: Gesture and Act, Tate Publishing and the Drawing Center, New York, 2003

123. Noltie, H.J. The Dapuri Drawings: Alexander Gibson and the Bombay Botanic Gardens, The Antique Collectors’ Club in association with the Royal Botanic Garden, Edimburgh 2002

124. Norman, Jeremy M., The Anatomical Plates of Pietro da Cortona, Dover Publications, Inc. New York, 1986.

125. O’Malley, Charles D. and J.B. de C.M. Saunders Leonardo da Vinci on the Human Body: The Anatomical Physiological and Embriological Drawings of Leonardo da Vinci, Wings Books, New York, 1982.

126. Ormond, Mark Joel Shapiro-Selected Drawings 1968-1990, Center for the Fine Arts, Miami, Florida, 1991.

127. Paper Pleasures: Five Centuries of Drawings and Watercolours, Charles R. Mack McKissic Museum, The University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, 1992.

128. Parkinson, Ronald British Watercolours at the Victoria and Albert Museum, V&A Publications, London, 1998.

129. Pettibon, Raymond, Thinking of You, The Renaissance Society at the University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill., 1998.

130. Philbin, Anne and Claudine Isé International Paper: Drawings by Emerging Artists, UCLA, Hammer Museum, 2003.

131. Plous, Phyllis and Christopher Knight, Terry Winters: Painting and Drawing, University Art Museum, Santa Monica, California, University of California, 1987.

132. Polasek, Jan, Drawings: Tolouse Lautrec, 3M Books, Saint Paul, Minnesota, 1985.

133. Pommier, Andrew, Things I Don’t Remember, Holy Water Limited, London, 2000.

134. Popham, A.E., The Drawings of Leonardo da Vinci, Revised and with introductory essay by Martin Kemp, Pimlico, reprinted 1997.

135. Rabreau, Daniel Architectural Drawings of the Eighteenth Century, Bibliotheque de L’Image, Paris, 2001.

136. Reynolds, Graham Watercolors: a concise history, World of Art, Thames & Hudson, London, 1971.

137. Ricardo Maffei: Recent Works on Paper, Marlborough Gallery, Inc., New York, 1989.

138. Richardson, Brenda Barnett Newman The Complete Drawings 1944-1969, The Baltimore Museum of Art, 1979.

139. Riley, Terence et al., Envisioning Architecture, Drawings from the Museum of Modern Art, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 2002

140. Riley, Terence, The Changing of the Avant-Garde: Visionary Architectural Drawings from the Howard Gilman Collection, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 2002.

141. Roberts, K.B. and J.D.W. Tomlinson The Fabric of the Body: European Traditions of Anatomical Illustration, Oxford University Press, 1992.

142. Rogers, Malcolm Master Drawings from the National Portrait Gallery, National Portrait Gallery, London, 1993.

143. Roni Horn: Rare Spellings, Selected Drawings, Zeichnungen 1985-1992, Richter Verlag, Düsseldorf, 1993.

144. Rose, Barbara, Living on the Edge: The Drawings of Nino Longobardi, Kalejdoscop Förlag, 1987.

145. Rose, Bernice The Drawings of Roy Lichtenstein, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1987.

146. Rose, Bernice, Jackson Pollock: Drawing Into Painting, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1980.

147. Rose, Bernice Drawing Now, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1976.

148. Rose, Bernice, Allegories of Modernism: Contemporary Drawing, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1992.

149. Rose, Bernice, New Work on Paper, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1982.

150. Rosemberg, Charles M. Fifteenth Century North Italian Painting and Drawing, an annotated bibliography, Reference Publications in Art History, Boston, Massachusetts, 1986.

151. Rosenthal, Nan and Ruth E. Fine, The Drawings of Jasper Johns, Thames & Hudson, National Gallery of Art, London, 1990.

152. Rosenthal, Nan Anselm Kieffer: Works on Paper in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 1998.

153. Rowell, Margit Sigmar Polke: Works on Paper 1963-1974, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1999.

154. Ruskin, John with notes by Bernard Dunstan, The Elements of Drawing, Watson and Guptil Publications, New York, 1997.

155. Schade, Werner, Joseph Beuys: Early Drawings, Schirmer's Visual Library, 1992.

156. Schulze Altcappenberg, Heinz-Theodor, Horst Bredekamp, Damian Dombrowski, Andreas Kablitz, Julia Schewski, Giovanni Morello, Peter Keller, Doris Oltrogge, Robert Fuchs and Oliver Hahn, Sandro Boticelli, The Drawings for Dante’s Divine Comedy, Royal Academy of Arts, London, 2001.

157. Schweizer, Paul D., and Carter Ratcliffe Alex Katz: A Drawing Retrospective, Museum of Art Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute, Utica, New York, 1991.

158. Shrigley, Gordon, (ed). Spatula: How Drawing Changed the World, Marmalade, London, 2004

159. Sloan, Kim A Noble Art: Amateur Artists and Drawing Masters c 1600-1800, British Museum Press, London 2000.

160. Smith, Elizabeth A.T. and Anthony Vidler, Toba Khedoori, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, California, 1997.

161. Spender, Matthew, Barbara Rose et al. Archille Gorky and the Genesis of Abstraction: Drawings from the Early 1930s, Stephen Mazoh & Co. Inc. New York, 1994.

162. Spielman, Heinz Oskar Kokoshka 1886-1980 Drawings / Watercolours Since 1930 Batig Gesellschaft fur Beiteilgungen mbH, Hamburg, Marlborough Fine Art, London, Ltd, 1986.

163. Storr, Robert, Dennis Cooper and Ulrich Lock Raymond Pettibon, Phaidon, New York, 2001.

164. Swan, Claudia, The Clutius Botanical Watercolours: Plants and Flowers of the Renaissance, Harry N. Abrams, Inc. N.Y., 1998.

165. Temkin, Anne and Bernice Rose Thinking is Form: The Drawings of Joseph Beuys, Philadelphia Museum of Art and The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1993.

166. The Drawings of Annibale Carracci, National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. 1999.

167. Tufte, Edward R. The Visual Display of Quantitative Information (second edition), Graphic Press, Cheshire, Connecticut, 2001.

168. Tufte, Edward R. Visual Explanations, Images and Quantities, Evidence and Narrative, (sixth printing), Graphic Press, Cheshire, Connecticut, 2003.

169. Turner, Nicholas Florentine Drawings of the Sixteenth Century, British Museum Publications, 1986.

170. Turner, Nicholas, Lee Hendrix, Carol Plazotta European Drawings 3 Catalogue of the Collections, The J. Paul Getty Museum, The J.Paul Getty Museum, 1997.

171. Turner, Nicholas European Drawings 4 Catalogue of the Collections, The J. Paul Getty Museum, 2001.

172. Wilkin, Karen and Lewis Kachur The Drawings of Stuart Davis, The Amazing Continuity, The American Federation of the Arts, New York, 1992.

173. Wilcox, Scott, Gillian Forrester, Morna O’Neill and Kim Sloan The Line of Beauty: British and Watercolors of the Eighteenth Century Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, 2001.

174. Wilkinson, A.G. The Drawings of Henry Moore, Borden Publishing Company, Alhambra, California, 1970.

175. Wilton, Andrew and Anne Lyles The Great Age of British Watercolours 1750-1880, Prestel-Verlag, Munich, 1993.

176. Zweifel, Frances W. A Handbook of Biological Illustration, Second Edition, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1988.

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